Stijlgids voor gebruik van 'Bewaar in OK' buttons

Deze stijlgids bevat advies voor het gebruik van het OK-logo in combinatie met de toepassing van buttons.

Deze adviezen zijn richtlijnen voor gebruik en toepassing en zijn geschikt voor onder andere apps, webpagina’s, e-mails, posters, flyers en ander drukwerk. Download de stijlgids via onderstaande knop.

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Technische specificaties

OK CARD is a service that allows consumers to add their existing loyalty cards, giftcards, coupons and tickets to their OK app. Cards are added to the OK app by scanning the barcode printed on the card or by taking pictures of the card. OK maintains a list of specific and generic card presets and customers can request their own card presets.

Creating the deep-link

The ‘Add to OK’ link gives consumers an easy way to add cards to their OK App for which they do not have a physical card. This allows card issuers, such as merchants, ticketing service providers, loyalty service providers, to promote adding loyalty cards to the OK App from marketing communications, such as: emails, their e-commerce apps or other dynamic and static media.

The ‘Add to OK’ link can be constructed by adding the identifier of the card preset and the card number / barcode value to a URL. That URL can then be published online as a link or offline as a QR code. Additionally other card meta-data can be added to the link as well as some tracking information.

When a user opens the link on their mobile device with the OK App installed, the card is immediately added to their OK App. If the user does not have the OK App installed, a landing page is shown that invites the user to download and install it. After that, the user is directed to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. After installing the app, the card is automatically added.

When the user opens the link on a desktop browser, a landing page is shown. If the user has the OK App installed, they can use it to scan the QR code presented to them. The same QR code could also be printed.

Query paramaters

The ‘Add to OK’ link can have the following formats:,00

The following parameters are available for all card preset types:

  • cpSTRING – Identifier of the card preset
  • bcSTRING – Barcode value of the specific card
  • btSTRING – Barcode type (required if no barcode type is configured on the card preset)
  • naSTRING – (optional) Name of the card E.g. ‘Bonuskaart van Anna’

For gift card presets the following parameter are available:

  • pcSTRING – Pin code for the giftcard
  • edSTRING – Expiration date/time of the gift card (default format is ISO8601)
  • dfSTRING – Alternative format of the expiration data/time, must be set if the ed value is not formatted using the default format
  • baSTRING – Balance of the gift card. Both dot and comma are allowed decimal separators.

For coupons / discount codes the following parameters are available:

  • deSTRING – Description of the campaign
  • coSTRING – Conditions of the campaign
  • dcSTRING – Additional discount code
  • wuSTRING – Web shop URL
  • sdSTRING – Start date/time of the validity of the coupon (default format is ISO8601)
  • edSTRING – Expiration date/time of the validity of the coupon (default format is ISO8601)
  • dfSTRING – Alternative format of the start/expiration data/time, must be set if the ed value is not formatted using the default format

For tracking:

  • utm_campaignSTRING – (optional) Marketing campaign information
  • utm_mediumSTRING – (optional) Marketing campaign information
  • utm_sourceSTRING – (optional) Marketing campaign information
  • utm_contentSTRING – (optional) Marketing campaign information


  • Date/time format syntax according to Unicode Technical Standard #35)
  • Query parameters must appear in the specified order
  • All values must be URL encoded
  • Identifier of the card preset can be obtained through your account manager
  • dc is intended to be used if a barcode and discount should be combined on a single card, otherwise use barcode type STRING and the bc parameter